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Vibration analysis: Projects

For the analysis of dynamic systems we apply various experimental and numerical methods like:
Teaser Schwingungsanalyse
  • experimental and numerical modal analysis as well as their correlation
  • simulation and measurement of operating vibrations, operating deflection shapes (ODS)
  • structural durability
  • rotor dynamics and orbit analysis
  • simulation and analysis of nonlinear vibrations, analysis of dynamic stability, self-synchronization
  • signal analysis of stationary and transient vibration quantities, spectral analysis, order analysis, envelope analysis, Cepstrum analysis, wavelet analysis
  • control-engineering design of dynamic systems
For the optimal dynamic design of your components, assemblies, machines or equipments, we apply one or more of these methods, adjusted to your specific task.
diaphragm couplings
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Rotordynamik Turbostrang 2 englisch
rotor dynamics
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Tellerdruckfiler 1
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Stirnradgetriebe 1
spur gearbox
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Tilgerauslegung 2 englisch
dynamic vibration absorber
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Automatgetriebe 1
automatic gearbox
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Positionierruettler 1
vibration positioner
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Schwingfoerderanlage 1
oscillating conveyor
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Humanschwingungen Motorsaege 1
human vibration
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NKW Fahrkomfort 1
cabin vibrations
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Hafenmobilkran 2
mobile crane
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Spindelantrieb 2 englisch
spindle drive
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Positioniermotor 2
positioning motor
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Stossfaenger 1
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Gelenkwelle 1 ohne Text
CFRP drive shaft
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Messdatenanalyse 1
analysis methods measurement data
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Glaspolieren 3
glass polishing
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Mobilkran 2
mobile crane
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Bremsenquietschen 3
squeaking disk brake
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Kettenbremse 1 englisch
chain brake
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Lebensmittelmuehle 1 englisch
food mill
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Koerperschall Elektromotor 1A
electric car drive unit
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